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Be Kind – Kindness Matters

November 21, 2017

Spread a little happiness – the saying “Do Unto Others As You Would Yourself” holds many secrets, kindness has many benefits to others and it can also enhance your own life, reduce stress and keep your body healthy. Experts say that helping others can lower blood pressure, give greater self esteem and make for a happier life.

Ever wondered why you feel so high when doing a good deed? It’s a real feeling, called ‘the helpers high’, we have a kindness chemical in our bodies called endogenous opioids that elevate the levels of dopamine in the brain that create a natural high and the oxytocin we produce when socially bonding can reduce inflammation in our cardiovascular system, slow down ageing and strengthening our hearts.

Here are 5 ways to add kindness into your day –

1. Smile
Smiles are contagious, we all rush around with heads down barely looking at others, but if you smile at someone on the street they will smile back, smile until it becomes natural think of something happy and you will feel happy.

Helping Hand Mickey Mouse SEAMS

2. Be Kind To Yourself
We are usually tougher on ourselves than others, but its ok to take time for yourself, and do something that makes you happy, going on a holiday, a hobby, reading a book, relaxing. We only have one life – one body look after it!

3. Be Kind To Others
Be kind to strangers you never know what’s really going on in their lives. Opening a door for someone, taking a minute to ask how a friend is, giving help when needed can have a big impact on others. We often take for granted the people that are closest to us, not listening and communicating properly, be thoughtful, understanding and responsive, what you give out you get back in return. Always give some coins to a homeless person on the street no matter how they got there, or what they use the money for, they are in need of help.

Put kindness into your hands SEAMS Hand Cream

4. Be Appreciative
Be appreciative for everything you have we are all blessed in one way or another. If someone does even the smallest thing for you don’t say “you shouldn’t have” instead say thank-you and tell that person how much their help has meant to you, even better say thank-you with a hand written note.

5. Be Kind To Your Hands
Our hands are the tools for everything we do, we can create amazing things and make a difference in the world, as the saying goes “we have two hands one to help ourselves and one to help others”. Our hands are the most hardworking part of our bodies, and take a bashing every day, they show the first signs of ageing, you can tell a persons real age by looking at their hands. Give your hands the care they deserve, use SEAMS Hand Cream Morning, Noon and Night to keep hands moisturised, soft, soothed and looking younger in whatever you are doing.

The Shea Butter in SEAMS deeply moisturises, whilst Macadamia and Rosehip Oils soften skin, Beta- Glucan slows down the signs of ageing, Vitamin E helps heal paper cuts and pin-pricks and Pro-Vitamin B5 protects,  all in a fast absorbing – non-greasy formula.

SEAMS puts kindness into your hands

Karen J.

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